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50 Ways To Promote Peace

Universal fundraising org

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

1. Treat all people with kindness, regardless of race, gender orientation, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

2. Attend a peace rally

3. Write to your government (local and federal)

4. Create a peaceful affirmation/mantra

5. Don’t engage in violence of any kind

6. Don’t purchase weapons

7. Embrace diversity and get to know other cultures by traveling the world and doing research

8. Start a collection to donate to a charity

9. Volunteer for the Peace Corps

10. If you have a platform, use it to educate

11. Advocate for animal rights (including slaughter laws)

12. Meditate and teach/encourage others to meditate

13. Organize community projects to build camaraderie (group mural, clean-up, etc.)

14. Think about other peoples intentions vs. their outcome

15. Never honk your car horn unless you’re unsafe

16. Make art installations with the word “peace” or the peace symbol

17. When you see someone who is in trouble, help them

18. Learn mediation/conflict resolution skills

19. Advocate peace with T-shirts, bumper stickers, patches, etc.

20. Call out people when you see them being sexist, racist, etc.

21. Spend time in nature

22. Stay abreast of current events

23. Take a break from watching the news when you need to

24. Register to vote (and actually vote!)

25. Create a safe space/sanctuary in your ome

26. Engage in random acts of kindness on a regular basis

27. Hang Tibetan prayer flags

28. Reduce your carbon footprint

30. Try had not to judge others

31. Research influential peace promoters in history

32. Talk to kids about peaceful virtues early on

33. Have a plan for dangerous situations of all types (being mugged, a house fire, etc.)

34. Respect your environment (i.e. don’t litter)

35. Sign a peace pledge

36. Think about any prejudices you might have and explore why they are a part of you, with the ultimate goal being that you release them

37. Learn about symbols of peace and use tangible examples as reminders in your own home, workspace, car, etc.

38. Attend local government meetings

39. Forgive others, even long-standing enemies

40. Read books about peace and recommend them to your friends

41. Help the homeless / Volunteer at a shelter

42. Take a nonviolent crisis intervention class

43. Develop meaningful relationships outside your own race

44. Sign an appeal to end nuclear threats

45. Host art/music/poetry events with the theme of peace

46. Be patient in all aspects of life

47. Learn what the main causes of violence in your city are

48. Practice self-love and care so you can radiate goodness to others

49. Say you’re sorry when necessary, even it’s belated

50. Define what the word “peace” means to you


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11 ความคิดเห็น

08 ก.ย. 2567

guys, on number 25, it says ome not home. They legitamately copied it and pasted it from uncustomary. This shouldn't be here.


Rajasekaran Subbaiar
Rajasekaran Subbaiar
01 ก.ค. 2567

As per the speach of swami Vivekananda at USA all are brother and sisters in the world and every one's involvement in their respective works helping others and money fixed for such services is only a tool identified by human being and not by the Almighty

Service to others being the motto to be followed by all for which deadly weapons or military weapons or nuclear boms are useful only to threat others and if used it will destroy entire world and such tensions going on for any reasons stated therefor is not good and even there is reasons the same be made to an end at the earliest possible time to increase love and affection between the public in…


Rajasekaran Subbaiar
Rajasekaran Subbaiar
01 ก.ค. 2567

Presidents of USa Russia and China and Pm Modi of India have to immediately took steps to meet at Thiruvannamalai along with Jakkivasudev after incerting the thoughts of yogis into the hearts of the Presidents to restore the world peace and to stop not only Ukraine war but also the entire war situations to avoid military deaths as the money given after the death of a loving soul is not useful to give pleasure and using the entire military force to increase good quality food production drinking water and planting treas to increase oxigen are the things to be done for the peace of the entire world


Nighat Sultana
Nighat Sultana
05 ก.พ. 2567

Religion can scale universal human rights. It is necessary for building peace.



Philip Russo
Philip Russo
31 ธ.ค. 2566

I am that person you must be watching

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